Tuesday, November 17, 2009

To begin with I am a Christmas Alcoholic. I have been one for over 58 years. I love almost everything about it. I was raised in Chicago and Christmas Snow is the best. That's funny coming from a person who has lived in Hawaii for almost 30 years.

There is something so special about looking into wide eyed kids come Christmas morning.
Especially the little one who dont' understand where it all comes from. Women like me have this time clock that starts to go off the first of November that sets us into motion about staging the house for the big event.

My husband and I have been holding our annual party for more then 23 years. Celebrating Christmas in Hawaii it's harder for a lot of people. Getting into the spirit of the season with summer weather is strange. I know for those of you who live in the cold you'd trade places with us in a minute. The party is usually the 1st or 2nd weekend of December, our guest who may not of been in the mood find themselves smiling and motivated, moving themselves towards their own Christmas Spirit. It has been said that Christmas would not be Christmas without a Melnyk Party.

The part I like best is the little one who have grown up around us and have memories of a huge tree, presents and all the food & goodies they can eat.

With this said, now comes the other side "What a huge project" I have boxes and boxes and boxes, AND boxes of decorations that have to be unpacked and then stored empty. Our garage looks like a moving sale for almost 3 weeks and getting in or out of the maze is project in its self. There are times when I open and close the garage door at the same time not wanting to face it. It's crazy!!!

The older I get the harder it gets. It's gotten to the point that I don't want to go to the mall and I love shopping. I've been shopping on the internet, it's so much easier. Gift Cards are the greatest invention for older kids and adults. They can get what they want in the first place.
Just wrap them as big presents. Remembering that good things can come in small packages.

All this work and money for 30 days of enjoyment then comes the part of putting it all away and cleaning up after the mess. I asked my husband if we could travel instead at Christmas.

The truth is with the economy the way it is, all the monies saved for Christmas will be going towards paying rent and bills instead of gifts. It's hard to get into the spirit of it all.

I have always been the big Christmas person and a lot of people look to me for inspiration.

Regardless of all the work and having to watch where every dollar is going Christmas is Christmas, and making gifts and baking goodies as gifts is just as rewarding.

The whole event is about Family, Friendship, loving on them and caring enough to share the spirit even when you don't feel like it. I've learned to take one day at a time and find someway to enjoy it along the way. Besides I just love Santa and ESPECIALLY Snowmen!!

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